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A K , Jha and S , Das and Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1996) Development of materials for shovel teeth for mining industries. J. Mine Tech, 17. pp. 78-82.

A., Banerji and S V , Prasad and M.K., Surappa and P K , Rohtagi (1981) Abrasive wear of cast aluminium alloy-zircon particle composites. Wear, 82. pp. 141-151. ISSN 0043-1648

A. K., Majumder and V., Tiwari and J P, Barnwal (2007) Separation characteristics of coal fines in a Knelson concentrator-A Hydrodynamic Approach. Coal Preparation, 27. pp. 126-137. ISSN DOI:10.1080/07349349108960564

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B K , Prasad (1998) Response of Some Cast Zinc - 37.5% Al - Based Alloys Comprising Nickel/Silicon Under Different Tensile Loading Conditions. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das (1998) Low Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Hardfaced Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 7. pp. 221-226. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and Dr, S V Prasad and Dr, A A Das (1991) Mechanisms of Material Removal and Subsurface Workhardening During Low Stress Abrasion of a Squeeze Cast Aluminium Alloy-alumina Fibre Composite. Materials Science and Engineering: A,, 156. pp. 205-209.

B K , Prasad and Dr., K Venkateswaralu and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and S , Das (1998) Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Zinc-Based Alloy: A Comparative Study with a Leaded-Tin Bronze. Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 39. pp. 1121-1125. ISSN 1345--9678

B K , Prasad and Dr., K Venkateswaralu and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and DasGupta, R (1998) Sliding Wear Behaviour of Some Al-Si Alloys: Role of Shape and Size of Si Particles and Test Conditions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 29A. pp. 2747-2752. ISSN 1073-5623

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and S , Das and Dr., K Venkateswaralu (1997) Influence of the SiC Reinforcement on the Abrasive Wear Response of an Al-Cu Alloy Under the Conditions of Varying Abrasive Size and Applied Load. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 16. pp. 1113-1115. ISSN 0261-8028

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and DasGupta, R and Dr., A Naik (1998) Two-Body Abrasion Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy: Effects of SiC Particle Reinforcement and Related Factors. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 17. pp. 901-903. ISSN 0261-8028

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1998) Hardfacing: A Technique for Combating Abrasive/Erosive Wear. Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 39. pp. 1191-1196. ISSN 1345--9678

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1999) Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy in the Presence of SiC Particle Reinforcement : A Comparative Study with a Copper Base Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 8. pp. 693-700. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and Dr., Mohini Sexena and Dr., T. K. Dan (1992) Corrosion Behaviour of 2014-Graphite Composite in Various Environments. Journal of Materials Science, 27. pp. 4805-4812. ISSN 0022-2461

B K , Prasad and Dr., Mohini Sexena and Dr., T. K. Dan (1992) Evaluation of Some Engineering Properties of an Enamel Coated Steel. Plating and Surface Finishing, 79. pp. 57-61. ISSN 0360-3164

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A K Jha and D.P., Mondal (1999) Erosion-Corrosion Characteristics of Squeeze Cast Aluminium Alloy SiC Composite in Water and Sodium Chloride Solutions Containing Sand. Materials Science and Technology, 15. pp. 933-938. ISSN 0267-0836

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and Dr., D P Mondal and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (2001) Erosion-Corrosion-Abrasion Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy and Its Composite Containing Alumina Particle Dispersoid. Materials Science and Technology, 17. pp. 1444-1450. ISSN 0267-0836

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and S , Das and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., A K Jha (1999) Sliding Wear Response of a Zinc-Aluminium Alloy as Affected by SiC Particle Dispersion and Test Conditions. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 18. pp. 1731-1734. ISSN 0261-8028

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and A H , Yegneshwaran (2003) Low-Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of a 0.2% C Steel: Influence of Microstructure and Test Parameters. tribology letters, 15. pp. 249-255. ISSN 1023-8883

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1997) Factors Controlling the Abrasive Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy Silicon Carbide Particle Composite. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 28. pp. 301-308. ISSN 1359-835x

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and S , Das and Dr., K Venkateswaralu (1998) Effects of Primary Silicon Particles on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium-Silicon Alloys. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 17. pp. 1381-1383. ISSN 0261-8028

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and S , Das and Dr., M. Singh (1999) Slurry Erosion-Corrosion of Aluminium (Al-Cu) Alloy - Silicon Carbide Composites: Effects of Some Material and Experimental Variables. Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 90. pp. 189-194. ISSN 1862-5282

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1998) Effects of Sand Concentration on Slurry Erosion of Steels. Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 39. pp. 1185-1190. ISSN 1345--9678

B K , Prasad and Dr., T. K. Dan (1990) Effect of Solutionzing a Graphitic Hypereutectic Al-Si Alloy At various Temperatures and time. Journal of Materials Science. ISSN 1573-4803

B K , Prasad and Dr., T. K. Dan (1990) Microstructure - and Property - Related Changes in a Pressure Die Cast Graphitic Al-Si Alloy Induced by Heat Treatment. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 9. pp. 951-952. ISSN 0261-8028

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