Number of items at this level: 133.
B K , Prasad
Abrasive Wear Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy and Zinc-Alloy/ SiC Composite.
wear, 252.
pp. 250-263.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Zinc-Based Alloy: Influence of Heat Treatment and Sliding Speed and Pressure.
Materials Science and Technology, 13.
pp. 928-936.
ISSN 0267-0836
B K , Prasad
Dry Sliding Wear Response of Some Bearing Alloys as Influenced by the Nature of the Microconstituents and Sliding Conditions.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions , 28A.
pp. 809-815.
ISSN 1073-5623
B K , Prasad
Dry Sliding Wear Response of a Zn-Based Alloy Containing 37.5% Al as Affected by Sliding Conditions.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde.
pp. 897-902.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad
Dry sliding wear response of a Zn-based alloy con6taining 37.5 % al as affected by sliding conditions.
Zeitschrift fur metallkunde.
B K , Prasad
Dry sliding wear response of zinc-based alloy over a range of test speeds and loads: a comparative study with cast iron.
tribology letters, 25.
pp. 103-115.
ISSN 1023-8883
B K , Prasad
Effect of Heat Treatment on Tensile Properties of Zinc-37.5 Mass % Aluminium Alloy Containing Nickel or Silicon.
Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals.
ISSN 1345--9678
B K , Prasad
Effect of Microstructure on the Sliding Wear Performance of a Zn-Al-Ni Alloy.
Wear, 240.
pp. 100-112.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Effectiveness of an Externally Added Solid Lubricant on the Sliding Wear Response of a Zinc–Aluminium Alloy, Its Composite and Cast Iron.
tribology letters, 18.
pp. 135-143.
ISSN 1023-8883
B K , Prasad
Effects of Alumina Dispersion on the Erosive-Corrosive Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy under Changing Slurry Conditions and Distance.
Wear, 238.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Effects of Heat Treatment on the Lubricated Sliding Wear Behaviour of Zinc–Based Alloy Containing Nickel under Varying Test Conditions.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde.
pp. 1321-1327.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad
Effects of Heat Treatment on the Partially Lubricated Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Zinc-Based Alloy.
Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 18.
pp. 578-585.
ISSN 1345--9678
B K , Prasad
Effects of Partially Substituting Copper by Silicon on the Physical, Mechanical and Wear Properties of Zn-37.5% Al-Based Alloy.
Materials Characterization.
pp. 301-308.
ISSN 1044-5803
B K , Prasad
Effects of Some Solid Lubricant Particles and Their Concentration in Oil towards Controlling the Wear Performance of a Leaded-Tin Bronze Bush.
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 51.
ISSN 0008-4433
B K , Prasad
Effects of silicon addition and test parameters on the sliding wear characteristics of zinc-based alloy containing 37.5% aluminium.
Materials transactions - JIM, 38.
pp. 701-706.
ISSN 0916-1821
B K , Prasad
Influence of Alumina Dispersoid and Test Parameters on Erosive Wear Behaviour of a Cast Zinc-Aluminium alloy.
Wear, 260.
pp. 895-902.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Influence of Heat Treatment Parameters on the Lubricated Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Zinc-Based Alloy.
pp. 1137-1144.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Influence of Heat Treatment on the Physical, Mechanical and
Tribological Properties of a Zinc-Based Alloy.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad
Influence of Some Material and Experimental Parameters on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Zinc-Based Alloy, Its Composite and a Bronze.
pp. 35-46.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Influence of Some Test Parameters on Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of a Zinc-11.5% Aluminium Alloy.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance,, 11.
pp. 461-468.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad
Influence of Suspended Talc Particles in Oil And Nature of Material Microconstituents on Sliding Wear Characteristics of Cast Iron and Zinc-based Alloy.
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 48.
pp. 455-464.
ISSN 0008-4433
B K , Prasad
Investigation into sliding wear performance of zinc-based alloy reinforced with SiC particles in dry and lubricated conditions.
Wear, 262.
pp. 262-273.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Lubricated Sliding Wear Behavior of a Cast Iron: Effect of Graphite and/or Talc Fraction in Oil.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 19.
pp. 413-420.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad
Mechanical Properties and Sliding Wear Characteristics of Zinc-Based Alloys: Effects of Partially Substituting Copper by Silicon.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 88.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad
Microstructural Alterations Through Heat Treatment and Its Influence on Wear Response of a Silicon Containing Zinc-Based Alloy Under Different Test Conditions.
Materials Science and Technology, 19.
pp. 327-335.
ISSN 0267-0836
B K , Prasad
Microstructural Features Controlling the Sliding Wear Response of Some Bearing Alloys.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 88.
pp. 774-780.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Al Alloy and Al Alloy - SiCp Composite Foam.
Materials Science and Engineering A.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad
Microstructure and Tensile Property Characterization of a Nickel Containing Zinc-Based Alloy: Effects of Heat Treatment and Test Conditions.
Materials Science and Engineering A, 277A.
pp. 95-101.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad
The Significance of Matrix Microstructure on the Solid Lubrication Characteristics of Graphite in Aluminium Alloys.
Materials Science and Engineering A,, 144A.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Behaviour of Bronzes under Varying Material Composition, Microstructure and Test Conditions.
Wear, 257.
pp. 110-123.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Behaviour of Zinc-Based Alloy vis-à-vis Gray Cast Iron as Influenced by Applied Load and Sliding Speed.
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology.
pp. 158-170.
ISSN 0036-8792
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Cast Iron as Affected by Test Environment and Applied Load.
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology.
ISSN 0036-8792
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Characteristics of a Gray Cast Iron as Influenced by the Sliding Speed, Load and Environmen.
Tribology- Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces.
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Characteristics of a Gray Cast Iron as Influenced by the Sliding Speed, Load and Environment.
Tribology- Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces.
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Response of Al-Cu Alloy: The Influence of SiC Particles reinforcement.
Journal of Materials Science Letters, 17.
pp. 1121-1123.
ISSN 0261-8028
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Response of Cast Iron as Influenced by Micro structural Features and Test Condition.
Materials Science and Engineering A, 456.
pp. 373-385.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Response of Spheroidal Graphite Cast Iron as influenced by Applied Pressure, Sliding Speed and Test Environment.
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly.
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Response of a Bronze Bushing: Influence of Applied Load and Test Environment.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Response of a Gray Cast Iron: Effects of Some Experimental Parameters.
Tribology International.
pp. 660-667.
ISSN 0301-679X
B K , Prasad
Sliding Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy and Its Composite and Comparison with a Gray Cast Iron: Influence of External Lubrication and Microstructural Features.
Materials Science and Engineering A,.
pp. 427-439.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad
Sliding wear response of a cast iron under varying test environments and traversal speed and pressure conditions.
Wear, 260.
pp. 1333-1341.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad
Slurry Wear Behavior of Zinc-Based Alloys: Influence of Some Material and Test Parameters.
tribology letters, 21.
pp. 113-119.
ISSN 1023-8883
B K , Prasad
Slurry Wear Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad
Structure-Property Related Changes in a Hypoeutectic Aluminium-Silicon Alloy Induced by Solutionizing.
Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 35.
pp. 873-878.
ISSN 1345--9678
B K , Prasad
Structure-Property Relations in a Hypereutectic Aluminium-Silicon Alloy Dispersed with Graphite Particles.
Journal of Materials Science, 28.
pp. 100-104.
ISSN 0022-2461
B K , Prasad
Tensile Properties of Some Zinc-Based Alloys Comprising 27.5 Al: Effects of Alloy Composition, Microstructure and Test Conditions.
Materials Science and Engineering A.
pp. 257-266.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad
Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy Containing Silicon as Influenced by Material Microstructure and Test Conditions.
Materials Science and Engineering A, 367.
pp. 63-73.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad and J P , Pandey
Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Zinc-Based Alloy Against Different Counterface Materials.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 88.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad and A K, Gupta
Effects of Microstructural Features and Test Parameters on the Abrasive Wear Response of an Al-Si Alloy.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and A K, Gupta and S , Das and R K, Panjoo
Mechanical and Abrasive and Erosive-Corrosive Wear Properties of Eutectic Al-Si Alloy: Effects of T6 Heat Treatment Parameter.
Transactions of Nonferrous Society of China.
ISSN 1003-6326
B K , Prasad and A K , Patwardhan and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Tensile properties of some Zn 27.5 Wt.% Al alloys as influenced by heat treatment and test conditions.
pp. 1890-1893.
ISSN 0261-8028
B K , Prasad and A K , Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Abrasive Wear Characteristics of a Zn - 37.2 Al - 2.5 Cu - 0.2 Mg Alloy Dispersed with Silicon Carbide Particles.
Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals.
pp. 1048-1057.
ISSN 1345--9678
B K , Prasad and A K , Jha and S , Das and Dr., O. P. Modi and A H , Yegneshwaran
Three-Body Abrasive Wear Behaviour of 0.98% C Steel.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and D.P., Mondal and S , Das
Study of Erosive-Corrosive Wear Behaviour of an Aluminium Alloy Composite through Factorial Design of Experiments.
Wear, 217A.
pp. 1-6.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha
A Comparison of Material Removal Mechanism under Low Stress Abrasive Condition of Steel and Hardfacing Alloys.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
pp. 437-442.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and A K , Jha and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Surface engineering A potential technique for improving the performance of mining and agricultural implements .
J. Surface Engineering., 13.
pp. 123-127.
B K , Prasad and Dr, S P Gupta
The Effect of Thermal Cycling on the Kinetics of Cellular Phase Transformation in a Cu-In Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering.
Materials Science and Engineering, 77.
pp. 181-190.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad and Dr, S V Prasad and Dr, A A Das
Abrasion-Induced Microstructural Changes and Material Removal Mechanisms in Squeeze Cast Aluminium Alloy-Silicon Carbide Composites.
Journal of Materials Science, 27.
pp. 4489-4494.
ISSN 0022-2461
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A, Roy and DasGupta, R
Effect of Experimental Factors on the High Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Steels and a Software Package for its Prediction.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 8.
pp. 375-379.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Characterization of the Wear Response of a Modified Zinc-Based Alloy vis-a-vis a Conventional Zinc-Based Alloy and a Bearing Bronze at a High Sliding Speed.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions , 27A.
pp. 3513-3525.
ISSN 1073-5623
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Modified Zinc-Based Alloy.
Materials Transaction of Japan Institute of Metals, 38.
pp. 197-204.
ISSN 1345--9678
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Dry Sliding Wear Characteristics of Some Zinc-Aluminium Alloys: A Comparative Study with a Bearing Bronze at a Slow Speed.
Wear, 199.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Factors Controlling the Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of a Leaded-Tin Bronze.
Materials Science and Technology.
pp. 427-435.
ISSN 0267-0836
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Influence of Aluminium Content on the Physical, Mechanical and Sliding Wear Properties of Zinc-Based Alloys.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 88.
pp. 33-338.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Influence of the Nature of Microconstituents on the Tensile Properties of a Zinc-Based Alloy and a Leaded-Tin Bronze at Different Strain Rates and Temperatures.
Journal of Materials Science, 32.
pp. 1169-1175.
ISSN 0022-2461
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Microstructural Modifications Through Compositional Alterations and Their Influence on the Mechanical and Sliding Wear Properties of Zinc-Based Alloys.
Scripta Materiallia, 27.
pp. 323-328.
ISSN 1359-6452
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Microstructure and Property Characterization of a Modified Zinc-Based Alloy and Comparison with Bearing Alloys.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 7.
pp. 130-135.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Microstructure-Property Characterization of Some Zinc-Based Alloys: Effects of Heat Treatment Parameters.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde,, 87.
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A K , Patwardhan
Wear Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy Compared with a Conventional Bearing Bronze under Mixed Lubrication Condition: Effects of Material and Test Parameters.
Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly, 40.
pp. 193-210.
B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., K Venkat
Influence of the Size and Morphology of Silicon Particles on the Physical, Mechanical and Wear Properties of Aluminium-Silicon Alloys.
Journal of Materials Science Letters, 15.
pp. 1773-1776.
ISSN 0261-8028
B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Correlating Microstructural Features and Mechanical Properties with Abrasion Resistance of a High Strength Low Alloy Steel.
Wear, 254.
pp. 120-128.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and Dr., D P Mondal and DasGupta, R and S , Das
Mechanism of Material Removal During Erosion-Corrosion of an Al-SiC Particle Composite.
Wear, 236.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and Dr., J P Pandey
Sliding Wear Response of a Leaded-Tin Bronze: The Influence of the Counterface Material Characteristics.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 7.
pp. 122-129.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi
Sliding Wear Response of Zinc-Based Alloy as affected by Suspended Solid Lubricant Particles in Oil Lubricant.
. Tribology - Materials, Surfaces and Interfaces.
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi
Slurry Wear Characteristics of Zinc-Based Alloys: Effects of Sand Content of Slurry, Silicon Addition to Alloy System and Traversal Distance.
Transactions of Nonferrous Society of China.
ISSN 1003-6326
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and A H , Yegneshwaran
Wear Behaviour of Zinc-Based Alloys as Influenced by Alloy Composition, Nature of the Slurry and Traversal distance.
Wear, 264.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha and A K , Patwardhan
Effects of Some Material and Experimental Variables on the Slurry Wear Characteristics of Zinc-Aluminium Alloys.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
pp. 75-80.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha and DasGupta, R
Influence of Material Characteristics on the Abrasive Wear Response of Some Hardfacing Alloys.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 18.
pp. 190-196.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha and S , Das and A H , Yegneshwaran
Abrasive Wear Behaviour of an AISI 5132 Steel Under Low-Stresses.
Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 35.
ISSN 1345--9678
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., R Dixit
Erosion of a High Carbon Steel in Coal and Bottom Ash Slurries.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 9.
pp. 522-5269.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., M. L. Vaidya
Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Squeeze Cast Aluminium Alloy-Silicon Carbide Composites.
Materials Science and Engineering, 15A.
pp. 235-245.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha
he Effects of Alumina Fibres on the Sliding Wear of a Cast Aluminium Alloy. Tribology International.
Tribology International, 27.
pp. 153-158.
ISSN 0301-679X
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., Mohini Sexena and Dr., A K Jha
Erosion-Corrosion Characteristics of an Aluminium Alloy - Alumina Fibre Composite.
Wear, 169.
pp. 119-124.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and H K , Khaira
High-Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of a Zinc-Based Alloy and Its Composite Compared with a Cast Iron under Varying Track Radius and Load Conditions.
Materials Science and Engineering A.
pp. 343-354.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and M S, Yadav and S, Rathod
Effects of Some Solid Lubricants Suspended in Oil towards Controlling the Wear Performance of a Cast Iron.
Journal of Tribology.
ISSN 0742-4787
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Mohini , Saxena and A H , Yegneshwaran and M. L, Vaidya
Corrosion Behaviour of Squeeze Cast Aluminium Alloy-Silicon Carbide Composites.
Journal of Materials Science.
ISSN 0022-2461
B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Mondal, D P and S , Das and Jha, A.K and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Erosion- corrosion- abrasion characteristics in slurry of a zinc based alloy and its composite containing alumina particle dispersoid.
Material Science and Technology.
B K , Prasad and Dr., S V Prasad
Microstructural Changes During Low-Stress Abrasion of a Plain Carbon (0.5 % C) Steel.
Wear, 151.
pp. 1-12.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and J P , Pandey
Sliding Wear Response of Zinc-Based Alloy and Comparison to a Copper-Based Alloy.
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions , 27A.
pp. 1245-1255.
ISSN 1073-5623
B K , Prasad and J P , Pandey
Sliding wear behavior of a zinc based alloy compared with a leaded tin bronze.
pp. 59-66.
B K , Prasad and J.P., Pandey
Sliding wear5 response of a leaded-tin bronze : The influence of the counterface material characteristics.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 7.
pp. 122-129.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and M, Sharma and G K , Gupta and Dr., O. P. Modi
P/M Processed Titanium Foam: Influence of Morphology and Content of the Space Holder on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties.
Powder Metallurgy.
ISSN 0032-5899
B K , Prasad and M, Singh and D.P., Mondal and A K , Jha
Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of an Aluminium Alloy-Granite Particle Composite.
. Tribology International.
B K , Prasad and Mohini , Saxena and R K , Morchalle and Asokan, Pappu
Plant Fibre Industrial Waste Reinforced Polymer Composites as a Potential Wood Substitute Material.
Journal of Composite Materials.
B K , Prasad and Rathod, S and Dr., O. P. Modi and Yadav, M S
Influence of talc concentration in oil lubricant on the wear
response of a bronze journal bearing.
Wear, 269.
pp. 498-505.
B K , Prasad and S, Rathod and M S, Yadav and Dr., O. P. Modi
Sliding Wear Behaviour of Cast Iron: Influence of MoS2 and Graphite Addition to the Oil Lubricant.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
ISSN 1059-9495
B K , Prasad and S , Das
Tribological Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy Composites: A Comparative Study With a Copper Base Alloy.
Wear, 162.
pp. 64-74.
ISSN 0043-1648
B K , Prasad and S , Das and Aruna, Patel
Compressive Deformation Behaviour of Al Alloy (2014)-10wt.% SiCp Composite: Effects of Strain Rate and Temperature.
Materials Science and Engineering A.
ISSN 0921-5093
B K , Prasad and S.P., Narayan and Dr., O. P. Modi and N. , Ramakrishnan and A M, Kumar and A K, Sachdeva
Effect of Cerium and Aluminium on the Hot-Deformation Behaviour of Magnesium.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 103.
pp. 590-602.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad and T K, Dan
Some Observations of the Effects of Overheating in a Hypoeutectic Al-Si Alloy.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad and T K, Dan and P K , Rohtagi
Characterization and Microstructural Modifications of Pressure Die Cast Eutectic Aluminium-Silicon Alloy-Graphite Composite.
Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals.
ISSN 1345--9678
B K , Prasad and T K, Dan and P K , Rohtagi
Characterization of and Structure-Property Relations in a Pressure Die Cast Hypoeutectic Aluminium-Silicon Alloy Dispersed with Graphite Particles.
Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde.
ISSN 1862-5282
B K , Prasad and T K, Dan and P K , Rohtagi
Pressure-induced improvement in interfacial bonding between
graphite and the aluminium matrix in graphitic-aluminium particle composites.
Chand, N and Dwivedi, U.K and Hashmi, S.A.R
Graphite Modified Cotton Fibre Reinforced Polyester Composites under Sliding Wear Conditions.
ISSN 0043-1648
Chand, N and Hashmi, S.A.R
Sliding wear of PP/UHMWPE blends: effect of blend composition.
ISSN 0043-1648
Chen, Y.K. and Dr., O. P. Modi and Chrysanthou, A and Mahay, A.S. and O'Sullivan, J.M.
The effect of different metallic counterface materials and different surface treatments on the wear and friction of polymide 66 and its composite in rolling-sliding contact.
J. of Applied Ploymer Science.
D.P., Mondal and Goel, M.D and S , Das
Compressive Deformation and Energy Absorption Characteristics of Closed Cell Aluminum-Fly Ash Particle Composite Foam.
Materials Science and Engineering A.
ISSN 0921-5093
D.P., Mondal and Goel, M.D and S , Das
Effects of Strain Rate and Relative Density on Compressive Deformation Behaviour of Closed Cell Aluminum–Fly Ash Composite Foam.
Materials & Design.
DasGupta, R
Sliding Wear Resistance of Al-Alloy Particulate Composites: An Assessment on Its Efficacy.
Tribology International.
ISSN 0301-679X
DasGupta, R and B K , Prasad and A K , Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and A H , Yegneshwaran
Overly coatings for slurry erosion control.
pp. 1263-1268.
DasGupta, R and B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha and S , Das and A H , Yegneshwaran
Slurry Erosive Wear of Hardfaced Steel: Effect of Experimental Parameters.
ISSN 0043-1648
DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Yadav, M S
Steady shear flow properties of organic fiber reinforced LLDPE.
Journal of Materials Science Letters 20.
DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and Yadav, M S and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Mechanisms of material removal under high stress abrasive wear conditions under varying experimental conditions.
Journal of Materials Science Letters.
ISSN 0261-8028
DasGupta, R and Meenai, Humaira
Sliding wear property of Al-Cu Based alloys with SiC particle reinforced Composites under varying Experimental Conditions.
Materials Science letters.
DasGupta, R and S , Das and S., Chaturvedi and A K , Jha
Effect of extrusion on properties of Al-based composite.
Transactions of Nonferrous Society of China, 20.
pp. 2229-2230.
ISSN 1003-6326
Dr., A A Das and Dr., S V Prasad and B K , Prasad
Journal of Materials Science.
Dr., Navin Chandra and S., Verma and A. C., Khazanchi
Acetylation of sunhemp fibre.
Indian journal of textile research, 12.
Dr., O. P. Modi
Two-body abrasion of a cast Al-Cu (2014 Al) alloy - Al2O3 particle composite : influence of heat treatment and abrasion test parameters.
ISSN 0043-1648
Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and S , Das and A K , Jha and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Microsture and mechanical and sliding wear properties of Zn-based alloys – Effects of swaging and Al-content Proc of Internationl Conference on Recent Advance in Metallurgical. Processes.
New Age International Publishers.
pp. 1255-1261.
Dr., O. P. Modi and D.P., Mondal and B K , Prasad and Singh, M and Khaira, H.K.
Abrasive Wear behaviour of a high carbon steel: effects of microstructure and experimental parameters and correlation with mechanical properties.
Material Science and Engineering A.
ISSN 0921-5093
Dr., O. P. Modi and Mohini , Saxena and B K , Prasad and A K , Jha and S , Das and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Role of ally matrix and dispersoid on the corrosion behavior of cast aluminium alloy composites.
Corrosion, 54.
pp. 129-134.
ISSN 0010-9312
Dr., O. P. Modi and S., Rathod and B K , Prasad and A K , Jha and G., Dixit
The Influence of Alumina Particle Dispersion and Test Parameters on Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Zinc-based Alloy.
Tribology International, 40.
pp. 1137-1140.
ISSN 0301-679X
Dwivedi, U.K and Ghosh, A and Chand, N
Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Strictus) Powder Filled Polyester Composites.
Bio Resources.
ISSN 1930-2126
Jha, A.K and Gachake, Arati and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Singh, M
High Stress Abrasive Wear Behavior of Some Hardfaced Surfaces Produced by Thermal Spraying.
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance.
ISSN 1059-9495
K.K., Pathak and S., Lomesh and Neeraj , Jain and A.K., Jha
Tube extrusion design for some selected inner profiles.
Int. J. Physical Sc. , 4.
pp. 69-75.
R., Dasgupta and B K , Prasad and A K , Jha and S , Das and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
Wear characteristics of a hardfaced steel in slurry.
J. Wear, 209.
pp. 255-262.
S , Das and A K , Jha and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran
“Aluminium alloy hard particle composites : Potential wear resistant materials”.
Proc International conference on Industrial Tribology .
pp. 3-16.
S , Das and A K , Jha and B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and A H , Yegneshwaran
Microstructure and wear of Al-Si-Zircon particle composite.
pp. 555-560.
S , Das and D.P., Mondal
Correlation of abrasive wear with microstructure and mechanical properties of pressure die-cast aluminum hard-particle composite.
Met. And Mat. Transactions.
S , Das and D.P., Mondal and N. , Ramakrishnan and Sawla, S
Synergic Effect of Reinforcement and Heat Treatment on the Two-Body Abrasive Wear of an Al–Si Alloy under Varying Loads and Abrasive Sizes.
ISSN 0043-1648
S , Das and Rao, R.N. and D.P., Mondal and Dixit, G
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium Alloy (Al–Zn–Mg) Hard Particle Composite.
Tribiology International.
ISSN 43(2010)330-339
S., Rathod and Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and A., Chrysanthou and V.P., Deshmukh and A.K., shah and D., Vallauri
Cast in situ Cu-TiC composites: Synthesis by SHS route and characterization.
Material Science and Engineering A, 502.
pp. 91-98.
Yadav, M.S and D.P., Mondal and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Jha, A.K and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R
Effect of sillimanite particle Reinforcement on the dry sliding wears behavior of Aluminum alloy composite.
Materials Science and Technology.
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