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A K , Jha and B K , Prasad and S , Das and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., O. P. Modi (1995) Microstructure and wear of Al-alloy matrix composites. Proc. Conf. Industrial Tribology...

A K , Jha and G. S., Upadhya and P K , Rohtagi (1984) “2014 Al-alloy Metglass sintered composites” Sintered Metal-Ceramic composites. Materials Science and Engineering A. pp. 259-260. ISSN 0921-5093

A K , Jha and G. S., Upadhya and P K , Rohtagi (1986) Properties of composites of 2014 aluminium alloy with Ni-Mo based metallic glass paricles. Journal of Materials Science, 21. pp. 1502-1508. ISSN 0022-2461

A R, Sanadi and S V , Prasad and P K , Rohtagi (1958) Natural Fibres and Agro-wastes as fillers and reinforcements in polymer composites. Journal of scientific and industrial research, 44. pp. 437-442.

A., Gupta and M., Patel (1987) XRD studies or some alumina-sillicate minerals for composite and ceramic products. Indian ceramics, , 29.

A. K., Majumder and G.J., Lyman and M., Brennan and P.N., Holtham (2006) Modeling of Flowing Film Concentrators - Part 1. Water Split Behaviour. Int J Mineral Processing, 80. pp. 71-77. ISSN 0301-7516

A. K., Majumder and T., Sharma and T.C., Rao (1993) Extraction of potassium from Glauconitic Sandstone by the Roast-Leach Route. International Journal of Mineral Processing, 38. pp. 111-123.

A. R. , Sanadi and S V , Prasad and P K , Rohtagi (1986) SEM observations on the origin of toughness of natural fibres polymer composites. Journal of Materials Science Letters,, 5. pp. 395-396. ISSN 0261-8028

A.K., Gupta and D. M. , JESUDAS and P.K., Das and K., Basu (2004) Performance Evaluation of different Types of Steel for Duck Foot Sweep Application. Biosystems engineering , 88. pp. 63-74. ISSN 1537-5110

Ankita , Shukla and Sunil Kumar , Sanghi and V. , Sorna , Gowri and Vishal , , Kumar Baderia and Deepesh Kumar , Singh (2010) Determination of Biogenic Amines in Lake Water by Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography with Fluorescence Detection after Derivatization with Fluorescamine1. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 66. pp. 296-300. ISSN 1061-9348


B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi (2004) Effect of Sand Concentration in the Medium and Traversal Distance and Speed on the Slurry Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy Alumina Particle Composite. tribology letters, 17. pp. 301-309. ISSN 1023-8883

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and D.P., Mondal and Dr., M. Singh and Dr., H. K. Khaira (2002) Abrasive Wear Behaviour of a High Carbon Steel: Effect of Microstructure and Experimental Parameters and Correlation with Mechanical Properties. Materials Science and Engineering, 343. pp. 237-242. ISSN 0921-5093

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., A K Shah and Dr., V. P. Deshmukh (2004) Effects of Material Composition and Microstructural Features on Dry Sliding Wear Behaviour of Fe-TiC Composite and a Cobalt-Based Stellite. tribology letters, 17. pp. 129-138. ISSN 1023-8883

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., D P Mondal and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., Pallavi Pandit and Dr., A Chrysanthou (2007) High-Stress Abrasive Wear Response of 0.2% Carbon Dual Phase Steel: Effects of Microstructural Features and Experimental Conditions. Materials Science and Engineering A. pp. 303-311. ISSN 0921-5093

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., M. Sharma and Dr., G K Gupta and Dr., Anil K Gupta (2011) Titanium foam through powder metallurgy route using acicular urea particles as space holder. Materials Letters, 65. pp. 3199-3201. ISSN 0167-577X

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., R P Yadav and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (2001) Three Body Abrasion of a Zinc-Aluminium Alloy: Effects of Alumina Dispersoid and Abrasive Medium. Wear, 249. pp. 792-799. ISSN 0043-1648

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., R. P. Yadav and S , Das and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., A K Jha (1999) Microstructure and Wear Behaviour of Zinc-Aluminium Alloys: Effects of Secondary Processing and Alloy Composition. Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 15. pp. 439-443. ISSN 1862-5282

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., S P Narayan and Dr., N Ramakrishnan and Dr., A M Kumar and Dr., A K Sachdev (2011) Microstructure and Micromechanism Maps to Optimize Useful Deformation Processing Conditions in Magnesium Alloy. Materials Science and Technology, 27. pp. 1639-1647. ISSN 0267-0836

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., S. Rathod and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., G. Dixit (2007) The influence of alumina particle reinforcement and test parameters on dry sliding wear behaviour of zinc-based alloy. Tribology International, 40. pp. 1137-1146. ISSN 0301-679X

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., V P Deshmukh and Dr., A Chrysanthou and Dr., A K Shah (2007) Erosive-Corrosive Wear Behaviour of Fe-TiC and Cobalt-Based Layers Separately Deposited on En31 Steel. Materials Science and Technology, 23. pp. 910-916. ISSN 0267-0836

B. P. , Krishnan and M. K. , Surappa and P K , Rohtagi (1981) A direct method of preparing cast aluminium alloy-graphite particle composites. Journal of Materials Science, 16. ISSN 0022-2461

B.S., Majumdar and A H , Yegneshwaran and P K , Rohtagi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1984) Strength and fracture behaviour of metal/matrix particulate composites. Materials Science and Engineering A, 68. pp. 85-96. ISSN 0921-5093


C. S. , Narendranath and A R, Sanadi (1986) Interfaces in metal wire metal matrix composites prepared by liquid metallurgy techniques. Journal of Materials Science Letters,, 5. pp. 917-919. ISSN 0261-8028


D. K. , Sehgal and K. , Pathak (2010) Gradientless shape optimization using artificial neural networks. Struct Multidisc Optim,, 41. pp. 699-709.

Dr., P K Rohatgi and Dr., C S Narendranath and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1986) observation of graphite structure under optical and scanning electron miocroscopes. Journal of Materials Science, 5. pp. 592-594. ISSN 0022-2461

Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and B. S., Majumdar and P K , Rohtagi (1984) Strenght and fracture behaviour of metal particulate composites. Materials Science and Engineering, 68. pp. 85-96.

Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and P K , Rohtagi and C. S. , Narendranath (1986) Observations of graphite structure under optical and scanning electron microscopes. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 5. pp. 592-594. ISSN 0261-8028

Dr., K K Pathak and Dr., Rajeev Arya and Dr., Neeraj Jain and Dr., Alok Chaubey (2009) Preform Map for Mild Steel Upsetting and Its Experimental Verification. J. Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. & Eng., 31.

Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and Dr., A. Chrysanthou and Dr., A K Shah and Dr., V. P. Deshmukh (2009) Erosive–corrosive wear behaviour of Fe–TiC and cobalt based layers separately deposited on En31 steel. Materials Science and Technology, 23. ISSN 0267-0836

Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Mohini , Saxena (1991) Effects of SIC dispersoid on the corrosion behaviour of squeeze Al-alloy-SiC composites. ibid.. pp. 915-920.

Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., P K Rohatgi (1985) Thermechanical processing of cast particulate composites. Journal of Materials Science Letters. ISSN 0261-8028

Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and P K , Rohtagi and A. K., Singh (1992) High-temperature strength of an aluminium alloy dispersed with graphite particles. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 11. pp. 1466-1468. ISSN 0261-8028

Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and R., Asthana and P K , Rohtagi (1987) Thermomechanical processing of Al based particulate composites. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 23. pp. 83-92. ISSN 0022-2461

Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., G Ruhi and Dr., I B Singh (2009) Effect of Sintering Atmosphere on the Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Sol-Gel Alumina-Coated Mild Steel Surface. Corrosion. pp. 758-764. ISSN 0010-9312

Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., G Ruhi and Dr., I B Singh and Dr., A K Jha (2009) characterization of corrosion resistance properties of sel-gel aluminium coating in mine water environment. journal of chemical technology, 16. pp. 216-220.

Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., M N Munagole and Dr., R P Singh and Dr., K P Singh (1985) CORROSION OF 2.25CR-1MO FERRITIC STEEL IN SULPHURIC ACID AND SEA WATER. British Corrosion Journal.

Dr., O. P. Modi and M N , Munagole and Dr., K P Singh (1990) Potentiodynamic studies of modified 9Cr-1Mo ferritic steel in sulphuric acid and seawate. Corrosion Science, 30. pp. 941-947.

Dr., O. P. Modi and P K , Rohtagi and Mohini, Saxena and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and , (1987) Corrosion characteristics of cast aluminum alloy—3 wt% graphite particulate composites in different environments. Corrosion Science, 27. pp. 249-256.

Dr., S K Bose and Dr., R K Ganguly and Dr., A N Sinha and Dr., P K De and Dr., N K Das (1989) Property Improvements in RSP Al –Mn Alloys. Materials and Manufacturing Processes..

Dr., S S Amritphale and Dr., Avneesh Anshul and Dr., Navin Chandra and Dr., N. Ramakrishnan (2009) A novel process for making radiopaque materials using bauxite—Red mud. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 27. pp. 1945-1921.


I V , Suresh and M V R L, Murthy and C, Padmakar and A, Wanganeo and R G, Sujatha (1996) Fluoride concern Bhopal water resources. J. Ecol. Env. & Cons., 2. pp. 11-15.


M., Saxena and A K , Jha and G. S., Upadhya (1993) Corrosion behaviour of sintered 6061 aluminium alloy-graphite particle composites. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 28. pp. 4053-4058. ISSN 0022-2461

M.N., Bapat and Navin, Chand and Janu , Sharma (1983) Effect of cenosphere on dielectric properties of low density polyethylene. Result in Physics..


Navin, Chand and S , Das and P K , Rohtagi (1986) Mechanical behaviour of rapidly solidified aluminium-silicon ribbon-polyester composites. Journal of Materials Science Letters. ISSN 0261-8028


P, Prabha and C. B., Raju and A S, Rao (1995) Characteristics of fly ash to asses its suitability for Agriculture. Clay Research, 13. pp. 30-37.

P, Prasann and M., Patel (1987) SEM studies on silica from plain materials, X-ray spectometro. X-Ray Spectrometry. pp. 57-60.

P K , Rohtagi and Annie , George and V S., Kelukutty and L. G., Radhika and P. N., Mohandas (1984) Rutile from ilmenite using coconut pith as reductant. Journal of Materials Science, 19. ISSN 0022-2461

P K , Rohtagi and K, Gopakumar (1981) Recovery of tartrate from electroless copper. journal Plating & surface finshing.


R K , Morchalle and S.R., Karade and Mohini , Saxena (2008) Redmud polymer composite substitute of wood. Ibid. pp. 417-428.


S , Das and Suresh, K.S. and N. , Ramakrishnan and D.P., Mondal (2007) On the Moduli of Closed-Cell Aluminum Foam. Scripta Materialia.

S S, Amritphale and M., Patel and M., Maheshwari (1986) New Idustrial uses of pyrophyllite mineral. Journal science indestrial research. pp. 66-72.

S V , Prasad and P K , Rohtagi and T.H. , Kosel (1986) Mechanism of material removal during low stress abrasion of Al alloy Zircon particle composities. Materials Science and Engineering, 80. ISSN 0921-5093

S V , Prasad and P K , Rohtagi and A R, Sanadi (1986) Sunhemp fibre reinforced polyester. Journal of Materials Science,, 21. pp. 4299-4304. ISSN 0022-2461

S., Raman (1982) Ultrasonic velocity studies of phase transition of solute while in solution. Acustica, 52.

S.K., Panthi and N. , Ramakrishnan and K.K., Pathak and J S, Chauhan (2008) Prediction of springback in straight flanging using FEM. CMC, 136. pp. 1-7.

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