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Number of items: 56.


DasGupta, R and A K , Jha and S , Das (2013) Effect of addition of fine SiC particles on the dry sliding wear behaviour of extruded 2014 Al-alloy. ISRN Tribology. pp. 1-9. ISSN 2090-889X

DasGupta, R and A K , Jha and Sudhanshu , Chaturvedi (2012) Combined effects of composite making, ageing and extrusion on property improvements in Al-7075-based alloy. Int. J. Microstructure and Materials Properties, 7. pp. 475-490. ISSN 1741-8410

DasGupta, R and S , Das and A K , Jha (2012) Sliding Wear Behaviour of Al-7075 based Metal Matrix Composite: Effect of Processing Parameters. Key Engineering Materials,. pp. 555-560. ISSN 1013-9826

M. , AHMED and S. K., PANTHI and N., Ramakrishnan and A K , Jha and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and DasGupta, R and S., AHMED (2011) Alternative flat coil design for electromagnetic forming using FEM. Transactions of Nonferrous Society of China,, 21. pp. 618-625. ISSN 1003-6326

DasGupta, R and S , Das and A K , Jha (2011) Application Potential for new Al- based materials: Industrial Input. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A. . ISSN 1073-5623

DasGupta, R and S , Das and S., Chaturvedi and A K , Jha (2010) Effect of extrusion on properties of Al-based composite. Transactions of Nonferrous Society of China, 20. pp. 2229-2230. ISSN 1003-6326

DasGupta, R (2010) Sliding Wear Resistance of Al-Alloy Particulate Composites: An Assessment on Its Efficacy. Tribology International. ISSN 0301-679X

DasGupta, R (2010) The Stretch, Limit and Path Forward for Particle Rein-forced Metal Matrix Composites of 7075 Al-Alloys. Engineering, 2. pp. 237-256. ISSN 1947-3931

Dikshit, S and Gurjar, V and DasGupta, R and Chaturvedi, S and Pathak, K.K and Jha, A.K (2010) Studies on Cold Upsetting Behaviour of AA2014-Based Metal Matrix Composites, FEM Simulation, and Comparison with Experimental Results. Journal of Materials Science. ISSN 0022-2461

S., Dikshit and V., Gurjar and DasGupta, R and S., Chaturvedi and A K , Jha and K.K., Pathak (2010) Studies on cold upsetting behaviour of AA2014-based metal matrix composites, FEM simulation, and comparison with experimental results. Journal of Material Science , 45. pp. 4174-4179. ISSN 0022-2461

S., Dikshit and V., Gurjar and DasGupta, R and S., Chaturvedi and K.K., Pathak and A K , Jha (2010) Studies on cold upsetting behaviour of AA2014-based metal matrix composites, FEM simulation, and comparison with experimental results. Journal of Material Science , 45. pp. 4174-4179. ISSN 0022-2461

Meenal, H and DasGupta, R (2008) High Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Al-2014 alloy and its SiC Composite. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties.

DasGupta, R and Meenai, Humaira (2008) High Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Al-2014 alloy and its SiC Composite. International Journal of Microstructure and Materials Properties.

Panthi, S.K. and Chouhan, J.S and DasGupta, R and N. , Ramakrishnan (2008) Study of Effect of Load on Springback in Sheet Metal Bending. Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals.

DasGupta, R and Swati , Lahiri and A K , Jha and M V R L, Murthy (2007) Selecting an area for technological intervention in the rural sector in India. The Social Science Journal, 44. pp. 187-193. ISSN 1833-1882

DasGupta, R and Humaira , Meenai and M.S., Yadav (2006) Microstructural evolution and phase precipitation on ageing Al-Cu alloy. Int.J Microstructure and Materials properties, 1. pp. 149-160. ISSN 1741-8410

DasGupta, R (2005) A Comparative Assessment of the Behavior of Al–Cu Alloy and Its Composite. Journal of Composite Materials, 39. pp. 1561-1575. ISSN 0267-0836

DasGupta, R and Humaira , Meenai (2005) Si-C particulate dispersed composite of am AlZn-Mg-Cu alloy: Property comparison With parent alloy. Materials Characterization, 54. pp. 438-445. ISSN 1044-5803

DasGupta, R and Meenai, Humaira (2003) Sliding wear property of Al-Cu Based alloys with SiC particle reinforced Composites under varying Experimental Conditions. Materials Science letters.

DasGupta, R and Meenai, Humaira and S , Das (2003) Age hardening of Al 201-alloy and 2014-SiC composites. Journal of Materials Science Letters.

Yadav, M.S and D.P., Mondal and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Jha, A.K and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R (2003) Effect of sillimanite particle Reinforcement on the dry sliding wears behavior of Aluminum alloy composite. Materials Science and Technology.

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and A H , Yegneshwaran (2003) Low-Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of a 0.2% C Steel: Influence of Microstructure and Test Parameters. tribology letters, 15. pp. 249-255. ISSN 1023-8883

Jha, A.K and Gachake, Arati and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Singh, M (2002) High Stress Abrasive Wear Behavior of Some Hardfaced Surfaces Produced by Thermal Spraying. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. ISSN 1059-9495

DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Yadav, M S (2001) Steady shear flow properties of organic fiber reinforced LLDPE. Journal of Materials Science Letters 20.

Dr., O. P. Modi and Yadav, R.P. and Mondal, D P and DasGupta, R (2001) Abrasive wear behavior of zinc-aluminium alloy - 10% Al2O3 composite through factorial design of experiment. J. of Materials Science.

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and Dr., D P Mondal and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (2001) Erosion-Corrosion-Abrasion Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy and Its Composite Containing Alumina Particle Dispersoid. Materials Science and Technology, 17. pp. 1444-1450. ISSN 0267-0836

DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and Yadav, M S and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (2001) Mechanisms of material removal under high stress abrasive wear conditions under varying experimental conditions. Journal of Materials Science Letters. ISSN 0261-8028

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., R Dixit (2000) Erosion of a High Carbon Steel in Coal and Bottom Ash Slurries. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 9. pp. 522-5269. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha (1999) A Comparison of Material Removal Mechanism under Low Stress Abrasive Condition of Steel and Hardfacing Alloys. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance. pp. 437-442. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and A, Roy and DasGupta, R (1999) Effect of Experimental Factors on the High Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Steels and a Software Package for its Prediction. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 8. pp. 375-379. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A K Jha and D.P., Mondal (1999) Erosion-Corrosion Characteristics of Squeeze Cast Aluminium Alloy SiC Composite in Water and Sodium Chloride Solutions Containing Sand. Materials Science and Technology, 15. pp. 933-938. ISSN 0267-0836

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha and DasGupta, R (1999) Influence of Material Characteristics on the Abrasive Wear Response of Some Hardfacing Alloys. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 18. pp. 190-196. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and Dr., D P Mondal and DasGupta, R and S , Das (1999) Mechanism of Material Removal During Erosion-Corrosion of an Al-SiC Particle Composite. Wear, 236. 295-302. ISSN 0043-1648

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and S , Das and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., A K Jha (1999) Sliding Wear Response of a Zinc-Aluminium Alloy as Affected by SiC Particle Dispersion and Test Conditions. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 18. pp. 1731-1734. ISSN 0261-8028

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and S , Das and Dr., M. Singh (1999) Slurry Erosion-Corrosion of Aluminium (Al-Cu) Alloy - Silicon Carbide Composites: Effects of Some Material and Experimental Variables. Zeitschrift Fur Metallkunde, 90. pp. 189-194. ISSN 1862-5282

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1999) Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy in the Presence of SiC Particle Reinforcement : A Comparative Study with a Copper Base Alloy. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 8. pp. 693-700. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and S , Das and Dr., K Venkateswaralu (1998) Effects of Primary Silicon Particles on the Sliding Wear Behaviour of Aluminium-Silicon Alloys. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 17. pp. 1381-1383. ISSN 0261-8028

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and S , Das and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1998) Effects of Sand Concentration on Slurry Erosion of Steels. Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 39. pp. 1185-1190. ISSN 1345--9678

Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and Dr., G. Dixit and Dr., R. P. Yadav (1998) Effects of Swaging and Aluminium Content on the Microstructure and Mechanical and Sliding Wear Properties of Zinc-Based Alloys. Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 39. pp. 582-586. ISSN 1345--9678

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1998) Hardfacing: A Technique for Combating Abrasive/Erosive Wear. Materials Transactions of Japan Institute of Metals, 39. pp. 1191-1196. ISSN 1345--9678

B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das (1998) Low Stress Abrasive Wear Behaviour of Hardfaced Steel. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 7. pp. 221-226. ISSN 1059-9495

B K , Prasad and Dr., K Venkateswaralu and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and DasGupta, R (1998) Sliding Wear Behaviour of Some Al-Si Alloys: Role of Shape and Size of Si Particles and Test Conditions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 29A. pp. 2747-2752. ISSN 1073-5623

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran and DasGupta, R and Dr., A Naik (1998) Two-Body Abrasion Characteristics of a Zinc-Based Alloy: Effects of SiC Particle Reinforcement and Related Factors. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 17. pp. 901-903. ISSN 0261-8028

S , Das and A K , Jha and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1997) “Aluminium alloy hard particle composites : Potential wear resistant materials”. Proc International conference on Industrial Tribology . pp. 3-16.

B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1997) Factors Controlling the Abrasive Wear Response of a Zinc-Based Alloy Silicon Carbide Particle Composite. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 28. pp. 301-308. ISSN 1359-835x

B K , Prasad and Dr., A K Jha and DasGupta, R and S , Das and Dr., K Venkateswaralu (1997) Influence of the SiC Reinforcement on the Abrasive Wear Response of an Al-Cu Alloy Under the Conditions of Varying Abrasive Size and Applied Load. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 16. pp. 1113-1115. ISSN 0261-8028

Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and S , Das and A K , Jha and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1997) Microsture and mechanical and sliding wear properties of Zn-based alloys – Effects of swaging and Al-content Proc of Internationl Conference on Recent Advance in Metallurgical. Processes. New Age International Publishers. pp. 1255-1261.

DasGupta, R (1997) Property improvement in Al–Si alloys through rapid solidification processing. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 72. pp. 380-384.

DasGupta, R and B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and A K , Jha and S , Das and A H , Yegneshwaran (1997) Slurry Erosive Wear of Hardfaced Steel: Effect of Experimental Parameters. Wear. ISSN 0043-1648

B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and A K , Jha and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1997) Surface engineering A potential technique for improving the performance of mining and agricultural implements . J. Surface Engineering., 13. pp. 123-127.

A K , Jha and S , Das and Dr., O. P. Modi and B K , Prasad and DasGupta, R and Dr., A H Yegneshwaran (1996) Development of materials for shovel teeth for mining industries. J. Mine Tech, 17. pp. 78-82.

DasGupta, R and S.K., Bose (1994) Variation in magnetic properties of hard ferrites prepared from blur dust of Bailadila, M.P. with the initial raw material composition. Indian journal of pure and applied and physics, 32. pp. 96-97.

DasGupta, R and S.K., Bose and A, Roy (1993) Debye Charactristic Tempeature for Rapidly Solidified Al-Mn Alloys with a Software Package. Journal of Materials Science Letters, 47. pp. 20-22. ISSN 1047-4838

DasGupta, R and Dr., S. K. Bose and Dr., R Kumar (1989) Tribological Behaviour of Rapidly Solidified and Processed Al-Si Base Alloys. Key Engineering Material. pp. 277-286.

S , Das and A K , Jha and B K , Prasad and Dr., O. P. Modi and DasGupta, R and A H , Yegneshwaran Microstructure and wear of Al-Si-Zircon particle composite. ibid. pp. 555-560.

DasGupta, R and B K , Prasad and A K , Jha and Dr., O. P. Modi and S , Das and A H , Yegneshwaran Overly coatings for slurry erosion control. ibid. pp. 1263-1268.

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